The Trainer
"Teaching is more than imparting knowledge; it is inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts; it is acquiring understanding."
- William Arthur Ward
Available Conferences & Workshops
Walking in Purpose
Walking inPurpose empowers the esteem of individuals to overcome obstacles that have prevented them from achieving and fulfilling their purpose in life. By attending this seminar attendees will be empowered in their esteem, moved from misery to motivation, pushed beyond potential to purpose, overcome obstacles, embrace new attitudes, and be rewarded, renewed, and rejuvenated.
Empowered 2 Live the Change
For too long people have walked around in a daze like zombies, lying in the tomb of doom as victims without destiny. God has placed a mandate on your life to not only wake up from your hypnotic state, but to climb out of your coffin of the past, transform obstacles into opportunities, and live the change!
Seven Keys to Emotional Wholeness
Feelings of guilt, being unloved, anger, revenge or approval of others are all signs of emotional trauma. Attending this seminar will allow you to identify and combat characteristics and behaviors that “trigger stinking thinking.”
Parenting the Second Generation
According to AARP nearly 6 million children under the age of 18 are living in a grandparent-headed household. For many this involves making a life-changing decision that impacts the grandparents, their own child (the parent), and the grandchild. Raising a grandchild can be challenging yet rewarding. This workshop looks at both ends of the spectrum and provides support and resources for a productive transition.
Restoration of the Feminine Soul
Abuse, whether sexual, verbal, mental, or physical, to be abused is to be touched by evil. It is important to understand how this evil act has impacted you. Healing is applied knowledgeably only when the wound is understood. Through this workshop you will come to understand no matter what the extent of the damage, no matter how bad the wounds, there is healing and restoration for the feminine soul.
Empowered to BEcoME™
If you are alive, there is a purpose for your life and a reason for you being on the earth. This is a self-assessment and discovery workshop that deals with removing the barriers and obstacles that keep an individual from becoming who they were created to BEcoME. It will allows them to tap into their life-given purpose and be inspired to embrace their uniqueness.
Empowered Kids 2 BEcoME™
Empowered Kids 2 BEcoME addresses three areas of empowerment: value in knowing their purpose, self-worth, and making thoughtful choices. By attending this program children will be motivated through the value of their purpose to cope with difficulties they may encounter. They will come to understand their emotions and behaviors while making better decisions for better outcomes.
Prayer Walk Fast
Prayer Walk Fast is a conversation between you and God concerning a pre-determined purpose as you move about on foot on a specific territory, enjoying the pleasure of His creation, while receiving spiritual insight and divine revelations. This course will teach you the principles on how to bring your carnal man under subjection to hear the voice of God and gain wisdom to live a disciplined and productive life.